Oct 2
a beautiful day here in Southern Manitoba. Just back from a walk with
the dogs...this is Gloria's last day of mile walks - around the block
plodding until she whelps. Her pregnancy shape was quite humorous today
-tried to capture it with my camera - just doesn't do it justice. She
gained another inch since Wednesday - grand total of 88.9 cms. It looks
like the weight has started to shift towards her back end - maybe
explains the comic book character like shape. We're now at the stage
where it would be safe for the puppies to be born. Ordered a new
whelping box - promised me I'd get it before next weekend - whoo hooo!
has been carrying around what looks like a newborn dead bird - maybe
part of the nesting behavoir. By mid week I'll start taking her
temperature 3 times daily - good indicator of how close she is to
labour. Regular dog temperature isn 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit.
Fluctuations are normal - I'm looking for a dramatic drop below 99F.